Thursday, January 27, 2011

Police Compound Quads For Sale

Mail 2011 Argentine

In the latest issue of the newsletter of Supreme Argentina Philatelic Federation (FAEF) shows the themes of the 2011 Commemorative Emissions Correo Argentino.
They are:

1 - Christmas . This issue is usually in November.
2 - Mercosur . The 2011 theme is "National Stakeholders'
3 - Year of decent work, occupational safety and health of workers
4 - America UPAEP. The 2011 theme is "Mailboxes"
5 - Philately Argentina. This issue is usually mid-August, Philatelist Day
6 - Antarctica Argentina . Esra is usually issued in April / May and can be used in the correpsondencia seals in Antarctica that is sent in the spring.
a) - Meeting Antarctic Treaty Consultative
b) - 50 th Anniversary of the entry of the Antarctic Treaty
7 - Centennial UPAEP
8 to 100 Years of the Sociedad Argentina de PediatrĂ­a (the bullet was developed as a combination child). The anniversary date is 20 October.
9 - Bicentenary of the birth of Sarmiento. The anniversary date is 15 February.
bicentenary of the death of Mariano Moreno . The anniversary date is March 4.
10 - National and International Philatelic Exhibition (INDIPEX 2011 (New Delhi) PHILANIPPON 2011 (Yokohama)). The exhibitions are held from 12 to 18 February and 28 July to 2 August respectively.
11 - pig or goat breeds reared in the country (Official Mail decide which of them)
12 - Wild Orchid Argentinas (suggested theme for the issuance Stamps Argentina) In this case, it would be in August.
13 - Festivities IV. The last two releases of this series were at the beginning of the year.
14 - Architecture
15 - Copa America. Cup will be played from 1 to 24 July.
16 - Buenos Aires, World Book Capital
17 - Aviation (Commercial Air Navigation)
18 - Bicentenary of the opening of the May Pyramid . The anniversary is May 25.
19 - Emissions joint that can present them to the Official Mail
20 - International Year of Forests

For clarification indicates that it was determined that emissions should be issued pending the previously approved plans and in particular for Antarctica . Emissions
pending from previous years:

2010 - Antarctica Argentina
2010 - Sport Idols III
2009 - Volcanoes
2009 - Space Argentina. Satellites for peaceful use.

And besides, is expected to issue tribute to former President NĂ©stor Kirchner , which would leave on 12 February.
There are no certain date for any issue, but at least this can give a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhen to expect some of them.


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