This new series dedicated to Artigas, hero in the shape of a painting by Luis Queirolo. It was issued between 1939 and 1960, as we often simultaneously the previous .
This series consists of 6 different issues, fortunately easily distinguishable.
1 ยช Serie (1939-1943):
The background behind the head of Artigas is white.
Size: 16x19mm (up to 15c), 24x30 mm (1p and more)
Teeth: 12.5
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo.
2 nd Series (1940-44):
Repeat the previous colors, but the bottom is scratched.
Dimensions: 17x21 mm.
Teeth: 12.5
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo. Imprint
"National Press", right.
3 rd Series (1948-1951): Fund
scratches, but colors changed and some new values.
Dimensions: 17x21 mm (up to 50c), 18x22 (1 peso).
Teeth: 12.75. (In many values \u200b\u200bthere is variety of teeth 11)
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo. Imprint
"National Press" right (Save 8c).
4 th Series (1953): Single value
(2 pesos) on white background.
Size: 23x29mm.
Teeth: 11.25
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo. Imprint
"National Press" centered.
5 th Series (1958-1961):
two values, 5 thousand and 50 cents on striped background.
Size: 17x21mm.
Teeth: 11
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo.
Watermark: The watermark presents Sol Grande 50c ROU
6 th Series (1960):
A single value (2c) on striped background
Size: 17x21mm.
Teeth: 10.75
Printing: Lithography in the National Press of Montevideo.
Watermark: Sol Grande ROU
The only color that could be confused between different series is the 8c (red in the second, carmine in the third). Fortunately, in the third series, the 8C has the imprint centered, making it easily recognizable.
Values \u200b\u200bof 8 cents. Series 2 red imprint and right. 3 rd series crimson imprint and the center.
The third series, has multiple values \u200b\u200bin tooth 11 (teeth lengthy and much larger)
It is the most abundant and has many varieties of printing.
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