Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Toshiba 440cdt Drivers

农历 新年 / Chinese New Year Emissions

On February 3, 4709 begins the year in the Chinese calendar, which runs until January 23, 2012. It is the year of the rabbit (or cat, according to the version of the Chinese horoscope is consulted).

The Chinese calendar is lunisolar. The ordinary Chinese year consists of 12 lunar months (twelve lunar months) which is between 353 and 355 days. Every so often (about every three years) is sandwiched embolismal one year (one year with 13 lunar months) between 383 and 385 days.

As known with great accuracy the duration of lunar and solar cycles, reached the same mathematical conclusion that many other cultures, discovering the 19-year cycle (cycle Metonic) and considering years embolismales years 3, 6, 9 º, 11 º , 17 º and 19 º cycle.

Chinese year measured by the return of the winter solstice, and it is worth the gnomon, with which gauge the length of shadows at noon. It is considered a cycle of 60 years, divided into one under 12 years.

Since the introduction of Buddhism into China each year, in addition to their number, is the name of a zodiac sign, turn. Chinese zodiac signs are: Shu (Rat), Niu (Toro), Hu (Tigre), Tu (Rabbit), Long (Dragon), She (Snake), Ma (Horse), Yang (Goat), Hou (Mono ), Ji (Gallo), Gou (Dog) and Zhu (Pig).


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