Guernica (Gernika in Basque) is a small town in the English province of Vizcaya founded in 1366. A custom of the Basques was to meet to discuss community affairs under a tree, usually an oak. Over the centuries, the tradition was being concentrated to the Oak of Guernica, under which surplus is dictated by the laws of Biscay. Los Reyes de Castilla also presented under the Oak to take the oath to respect the privileges Vizcaya.
In 1937, during the English Civil War, Guernica was under Republican control, but the Nationalist armies were advancing rapidly. To cut off the retreat of the Republican troops, April 26 planes from German and Italian air forces heavily bombed the city with explosive and incendiary bombs. Never completely cleared the target of the attack, as many as possible were to destroy a bomb factory aviation, destroying the bridge over the estuary of Bilbao would cut troop withdrawal to the Republicans, or demoralize the Republican side, destroying a city \u200b\u200bas symbolic as Guernica.
After three hours of continuous bombing, only 10% of city buildings remained standing. Nor could set the number of deaths, as in the fire also destroyed all the log files. It is estimated that the dead were between 100 and 500. Germany used the attack, which was one of the first mass bombardment of civilians in history, as its air force training ahead of the next world war.
A month earlier, Pablo Picasso, who lived in Paris had been commissioned by the English Republican government to make a painting alluding to Spain at the World Fair to be held in Paris the same year. After some sketches during March and April, Picasso changed the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work on learning the bombardment, and made the Guernica.
In 1981, Spain made this issue, celebrating the arrival of Guernica to Spain and the centennial of the birth of Picasso.
After exposure, Guernica was exhibited in several cities in Europe and America until the mid 50's, was at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. In 1968, the dictator Franco was interested that Guernica was in Spain, thus indicating that the painting Picasso only return to Spain when he had a democracy there. Without seeing the time, Picasso died in 1973. Franco followed two years later, in 1978, Spain adopted a new democratic constitution. Finally, in 1981 the MoMA gave the painting to Spain. Since 1992, Guernica was exhibited in a show dedicated to the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid.
While living in Nazi-occupied Paris, Picasso received several "hits" of forces German security. During one such requisitions to the department, one of the German officers showed him a copy of Picasso's Guernica and asked "Did you do this?", To which Picasso replied, "No, you did."
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